Foundation of the company Schuhl & Co. by Ludwig Schuhl and Paul von den Steinen in Hagen/Westphalia. The manufacturing of nuts emerged out of an experimental department of the machine factory NUTAP Schuhl & von den Steinen. First production of nuts from M 3 - M 10 in the machine factory NUTAP Schuhl & von den Steinen.

The factory in Hagen
Relocation of the nut production
Relocation of the production line "nuts" to Winterberg-Niedersfeld. Günter von den Steinen joined the management of Schuhl & Co..

Reports of the Briloner Nachrichten from 1957 and 1958 - Download
Nut production in the 60s
Rare insights into the nut production of the 1960s can be found here or at our Youtube channel
Expansion of the production program
Expansion of the production program to coldformed parts and parts per drawing. Step-by-step adoption of the NUTAP REMP-System for processing of round wire and round drawn wire.

Schuhl factory in Winterberg - 1972
Start of production of a new type of fastening component system under the term "SCHUHL-COMBY®". This new development very quickly gained a significant market position. Start of the production of nuts made of CrNi-Alloys. Press report of Heim + Werk from 1975 about NUTAP Schuhl & von den Steinen Hagen. - Download
Newly expansion of the production program
Newly expansion of the production program up to the dimension range of M 22. Start of manufacturing of coldformed parts on multi-station coldformers.
Expansion of the machine park
Expansion of the machine park with multistage formers and tapping machines from
NUTAP Schuhl & Co. GmbH Maschinenfabrik.
CAD construction
Conversion of our development department to CAD design and expansion of quality criteria.
Constructive innovations
Design innovations in geometry and dimensions. SCHUHL-COMBY® nuts from M 3 to M 20 and cold formed parts up to M 24 can be produced.
Paul-Günter von den Steinen joins the management board
After the closure of the machine factory NUTAP Schuhl & Co. GmbH in Hagen, Paul-Günter von den Steinen joins the management of Schuhl & Co. GmbH. The machine program of cold nut formers and automatic tapping machines has been handed over to the company Wafios, Hilgeland NUTAP for continuation. Internet and e-mail presence, lean administration and production processes were obtained. Use of the latest generation of automatic tapping machines. Capacity increase to 40-45,000,000 cold extrusion parts per month. Certification to DIN EN ISO 9002 by TÜV CERT.
Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9002 and QS 9000 by TÜV CERT.
New production hall
Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9002, QS 9000 and VDA 6.1 by TÜV CERT. Introduction of a new CAQ system as well as the commissioning of a new production hall, simultaneous shutdown of the electroplating shop operated since 1965 and reorganization of the space allocation in this area. Acquisition of a fully automatic cleaning and preservation system with integrated vibratory finishing system for production parts.
New process-oriented flow control
Introduction of a new, process-oriented flow control (SOA) within the administration in form of software. Consolidation of the heterogeneous IT landscape. Certification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 / TS 16949 by TÜV Nord CERT GmbH.
Paperless administration management
Paperless administrative management and improvement of communication structures. Expansion of quality assurance in the area of "100% control". Commissioning of a new hall for the storage of machining oils, used oils and containers for metallic waste.
Recertification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 / TS 16949 by TÜV Nord CERT GmbH

Schuhl factory in Winterberg - 2007
Renovation of older buildings completed
Reorganization of the department for automatic 100%-control. Commissioning of additional optical testing machines.
Completing renovation of older buildings.
Effects of the world financial crisis
Job cuts caused by the general economic crisis and the consolidation by an OEM with sales which had been significant for us.
Recertification and restructuring
Commissioning of a further optical testing machine. Change of the customer portfolio as well as adaptation to the changed turnover due to the economic crisis successfully completed. Recertification according to DIN EN ISO 9001 / TS 16949 by TÜV Nord CERT GmbH.
Further visual testing machine
Further visual testing machine installed. Participation in the generally good economic situation.
New machining center
New machining-centre DMG 600 for tool and die shop.
Preparations for change of ERP system
Another visual testing machine put into operation. Definition and adjustment of the processes for our new ERP system "SAP - All for One". Going Live Transition 2014 - 2015
Further testing machines for "100%" control
2 further visual testing machine installed. Start of a new chapter for Schuhl & Co. GmbH by ordering not self constructed and build multistation-coldformers of Sacma. SP 270-6 and SP 370-6 CR included wire-preheating.
SAP going live completed without problems
SAP going live completed without any problems. All systems are running as planned. Certification according to ISO/TS 16949:2009 by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance GmbH. Commissioning of a hard turning machine instead of profiling punches by grinding. Purchase of an optical contour measuring device. Both Sacmas in series operation to our satisfaction. Expansions in the area of tapping/thread brushing.
Hall extraction in the forming area
Project CAQ inside SAP together with IDOS as a replacement for IBS CAQ=QSYS. Reconditioning of another FP 17. Complete hall exhaustion of the forming area due to increased processing of stainless materials.
New server infrastructure
Extensions to the extraction system in the press shop. Commissioning of CAQ in SAP, Idos. Overhaul FP 13. Extensions in the tapping area. New server landscape incl. new data backup. Purchase of a further Sacma SP 270-6 incl. wire preheating.
Certification by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance
Certification according to IATF 16949 by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance GmbH. Purchase of a CNC eroding machine with tool changer. Software "QLIK" for Big-Data analyses acquired.
New polishing machine for all tools and a further Sacma machine
1st monitoring audit according to IATF 16949. Polishing machine MAW for machine polishing of all tools. Purchase of a used Sacma SP 570-6 CR WF as a hot former up to 900 degrees and corresponding transformer.
Rebuilding of transformer station and short-time work due to pandemic
2st monitoring audit according to IATF 16949. Rebuilding of transformer station. Short-time work due to pandemic.
Certtification according IATF 16949 and short-time work due to pandemic
Certification audit according to IATF 16949 by Lloyd's-Register Quality Assurance GmbH. Rebuilding of Studer grinding machine. Short-time work due to pandemic.
1st monitoring audit according to IATF 16949 and new assembly machine
1st monitoring audit according to IATF 16949. Further assembly machine with turning table. Lathe from Spinner spare investment for tool room. Acquisition of software Simufact for forming simulation.
Handover of management to Christian Wiese and André Wiegelmann
Mr. Paul-Günter von den Steinen retires and hands over the management to Mr. Christian Wiese - technical management and Mr. André Wiegelmann - commercial management as part of an MBO. 2st monitoring audit according to IATF 16949.